How V2K Works Free IT Courses

If you have voices in your head or are communicating with GOD, shut the wireless radio off on all of your routers and GOD will go away!!!

To be thorough block port 5060 on your computer:

sudo ufw deny 5060

Old Fashioned Computing  Fosters Education, Entertainment, and Provides Information Services

Our current endeavors include:

Forecaster a predictive Sports and Equity Market research tool

Concise Information Services Courses

Blender and Cartoon Entertainment

Device Free Cellular Service


An AI application that allows you to predict the winner or loser of a sporting event. Forecaster will also be able to predict Fantasy Sports Outcomes

To work on the Forecaster app you need Vala development skills

Concise Information Services Courses

The courses on the Old Fashioned Computing website will give you a fast start and a survey of the course content allowing you to apply AI to develop your products while listening to music

Blender and Cartoon Entertainment

Political Cartoons and Blender shorts about current political topics from municipal, state, and federal entities

The skills required to do this is simply be a blenderhead

Device Free Cellular service

Device free cellular service allows you to use a satellite connection that utilizes both Infrared and High Frequency energy to communicate with someone else as well as establish a conference call and the communication can also be recorded