Using the mouse and Keyboard for navigation and Selection

Using the Mouse and Keyboard for Navigation and Selection

Mastering Blender's navigation and selection techniques is fundamental to efficiently interacting with your 3D scenes. Let's explore the essential mouse and keyboard controls that empower you to move around and select elements within the 3D Viewport:

Mouse Controls

Orbit (Rotate View):

Middle Mouse Button (MMB) Drag: Click and drag the MMB to orbit around the scene's center.

Alt + Left Mouse Button (LMB) Drag: An alternative way to orbit.

Pan (Move View):

Shift + MMB Drag: Click and drag the MMB while holding Shift to pan the view horizontally and vertically.


Mouse Wheel Scroll: Scroll the mouse wheel up or down to zoom in and out.

Ctrl + MMB Drag: Click and drag the MMB while holding Ctrl to zoom in and out.


LMB Click: Click on an object to select it.

Shift + LMB Click: Add to the selection.

Ctrl + LMB Click: Remove from the selection.

B (Box Select): Press B and drag a rectangle to select multiple objects within the box.

C (Circle Select): Press C and drag a circle to select objects within the circle.

Keyboard Controls

View Navigation:

NumPad 1: Front view

NumPad 3: Right view

NumPad 7: Top view

NumPad 5: Toggle between perspective and orthographic view

Home: Frame selected objects in the view

. (Period): Zoom to selected object

Object Manipulation:

G: Move (Grab)

R: Rotate

S: Scale

X, Y, Z: Constrain movement/rotation/scaling to a specific axis


Practice: The best way to master these controls is to practice them in Blender. Create some simple objects and experiment with navigating and selecting them.

Customize: You can customize some of these controls in Blender's preferences if you prefer different key combinations.

3D Manipulator: Use the 3D manipulator (the colored arrows and circles) in the 3D Viewport for visual control over object transformations.


Context Matters: Some of these controls may have different functions in other editors or modes.

Efficiency: Learning these shortcuts will significantly speed up your workflow and make your Blender experience more enjoyable.

With practice, these navigation and selection techniques will become second nature, allowing you to focus on your creative vision and bring your 3D ideas to life.