Understanding Variable Scope
Lesson 2.2: Understanding Variable Scope and Storage Classes
In C, where you declare a variable and how you qualify it has a significant impact on its lifetime, visibility, and behavior. This lesson will help you understand two crucial aspects of variables:
1. Scope (Visibility)
Scope refers to the region of your code where a variable is accessible or "visible." C has the following scopes:
Block Scope (Local):
Variables declared inside a block of code (within curly braces {}) have block scope.
They can only be accessed within that block and cease to exist when the block ends.
File Name: ccourse.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int x = 10; // Block scope (local to main function)
if (x > 5) {
int y = 20; // Block scope (local to the if block)
printf("x: %d, y: %d\n", x, y); // Both x and y are accessible here
// y is not accessible here
return 0;
Compile String:
gcc ccourse.c -o cc
run command: ./cc
Function Scope:
Variables declared within a function (but outside any block) have function scope.
They are accessible throughout the function, even within nested blocks.
File Scope (Global):
Variables declared outside of any function have file scope.
They are accessible from anywhere within the file after their declaration.
2. Storage Classes
Storage classes determine the storage duration (lifetime) and default initial value of a variable. Here are the common storage classes in C:
auto (Automatic):
This is the default storage class for local variables.
Memory is automatically allocated when the block or function is entered, and it's deallocated when the block or function exits.
auto variables are not initialized by default and may contain garbage values.
static variables retain their value between function calls.
If declared inside a function, they have local scope but their lifetime extends throughout the program's execution.
If declared outside any function, they have file scope and are only accessible within that file.
static variables are initialized to zero by default.
void myFunction() {
static int count = 0; // Initialized only once, value persists
printf("Function called %d times\n", count);
The extern keyword is used to declare a global variable that is defined in another file.
This allows you to share global variables across multiple source files.
The actual variable definition must exist in one of the source files.
// file1.c
int globalVar = 10; // Definition
// file2.c
extern int globalVar; // Declaration
printf("Global variable value: %d\n", globalVar);
Choosing the Right Scope and Storage Class
Local Variables: Use block scope or function scope for variables that are only needed within a specific part of your code.
Global Variables: Use file scope with the extern keyword for variables that need to be shared across multiple files.
Persistent Variables: Use the static storage class for variables whose values should persist between function calls.
Let me know if you'd like more examples or a deeper dive into any of these concepts.