
Mind Control Technology

Mind Control Technology is communications Technology, nearly anything that uses EMF. One type is a wireless router uses to broadcast signals to a persons cochlea tied into the entire communications network, sattelites, the internet, celluar service anything that uses EMF. They find you on the internete when you look at legal pornography, then target you through that same internet, if you shut your wireless off, it comes from sattelites and is much softer celluar phone networks target you by locating your phone. It is a conservative measure to control the population and make some behave in a manner they see fit. I Have heard this for over 28 years since I insulted a Judge in Luzerne County, a disgraced Judge, Judge Ann H Lokuta. I worked for the county courts and have been under this type of surveillance. Under the more heading on this website you can learn more about this surveillance and how it is administered.Â