Male and Female Mind Control
Male and Female Mind Control
We all live in a natural world as biological beings the biochemical reactions in our body are electrical, + and - charge each are a component of our body's overall Natural Frequency. When we are at rest it is around 6hz, if we are exercising the overall frequency is at 12 hz. I have found that when your body's natural frequency is higher you feel better. I was born male and male natural frequency is lower. I started taking PhytoEstrogens and found I prefer higher frequenies. I found out that as a nation we have to have mind control to protect us from foriegn threats. This has been going on since John Kennedy's term as president. Male and female mind control are simply broadcast natural frequencies done through a sattelite network or array. Some of my girlfriends in the government told me they find a successful woman and then they broadcast mind control frequency at her natural frequency, then all of the girls in the country will feel like her. A "First Lady" usually. They knew i liked feeling like a girl and we explored and found out that at 17hz the girls and I feel incredible rather han the role model's frequency and so does the female role model. My body has changed over the years and just this morning March 28, 2024, I know longer have to be subjected to the male role model frequency, and in my area female role model frequency is up at 17hz so i am going to celebrate with butter pecan ice cream and feeling healthier all day.